Monday 12 October 2009

Mary Shelley.

I'm reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein at the moment, it is a haunting tale but one that I am really enjoying. This book has significance to me and is possible a link for my new body of research as I have been told since a child that we are related. I have recently discovered that this cannot be true as there are no direct descendants, I will have to investigate this further.
Perhaps more disapointing is the loss of a link to Mary's mother: Mary Wolstonecraft.

Thursday 1 October 2009

mapping the territory

I need to plan / think / consider what this next body of work will be all about. Have a few books to read - will talk about these later.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

The 1st entry into blog world

Well here I go, i just thought it was time to join the crowded world of blogs and see if I have anything to add.
I want to use this to record drawings, textiles and artworks and to ultimately (I think) stand as a record of my 2nd (and hopefully 3rd) year of my MA in Contemporary Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam Uni.
I'm due back in the next couple of weeks having passed last year, I believe I will be focused on research but I will find out more when we return later this month.
Tomorrow I am off to Plymouth for a conference called Making Futures which is mainly concerned with Crafts and Sustainability, I will report back on my thoughts.
This is the 1st drawing I am submitting - a big hill to climb possibly.